
Boosters in Champions War: Loyalty Program for Active Players

Champions War has implemented a Loyalty Program to reward players who frequently mint characters and weapons through the website.

Booster Benefits:

  • By purchasing a character or weapon, players become eligible for daily rewards.

  • With boosters, these daily rewards can be significantly enhanced.

  • Players who purchase multiple characters or weapons receive daily rewards for each item, as well as boosters for each individual item.

  • Boosters increase daily rewards during events and milestones in the game's roadmap.

Booster Availability:

  • Boosters are exclusively for characters and items that will be purchased.

  • The value of boosters is a percentage of the daily rewards.

  • Boosters are designed to acknowledge and appreciate dedicated players who actively participate in the game and contribute to its success.

  • Once the game is released, Boosters will no longer be available.

By offering Boosters, Champions War incentivizes players to remain active and engaged, fostering long-term commitment to the game and ensuring its continued growth and success.

#Daily RewardsPhasesDurationTX


Phase 2

2 Weeks

not started



Phase 3

1 Month

not started



Phase 4

Phase 4

not started



Phase 5

2 Months

not started

Last updated